snapshot: i'm covered in flour. there are various bowls of delicious baking creations surrounding me. lots of friends in the kitchen also cooking and baking. good music playing in the background.
snapshot: camping in the desert. eating a delicious baked potato smothered in vegetarian chili, salsa and sour cream. completely content.
snapshot: roasting corn, onions and sweet potatoes over a fire at my boss' housewarming party with most of my coworkers. drinking sangria and playing music.
snapshot: a day in town with a good friend. we stumble upon a farmer's market and i pick up flax seed and coconut to add some excitement to my cooking adventures.
snapshot: over at a friend's house. made the largest (and most delicious) loaf of
challah bread in my life. later realize that the recipe called for 2 loaves. oops.
needless to say, food has been great for me these two weeks. i've had a lot of fun baking and trying new recipes. i'm finally writing the recipes down so i don't have to keep fumbling around on my computer and our (often horrible) internet to find what i'm looking for.
i found out i'll be working in southwest oregon this summer for my crew which means i'll be on opposite sides of the country for big parts of my summer (training is in new hampshire) with sandwiches of time in michigan. pretty great!
in other life news, i've been riding my bike (named fabio) a lot. i had to bite the bullet and buy a new seat because chunks of foam were coming out of my old seat. it lasted me about 7 years though! i'm slowly improving on the banjo. i have a lot of interesting knitting projects in the docket and even learned about to do cable patterns. here are some recently photos from my life...
mt. baldy frosted in snow. |
i rock climbed. yup. bad ass. |
me and my cabin mate, kyle. |
ari and jake on our fun hike. |
sean contemplating the desert. |
lunch spot on a nice day hike. |
sunset in the desert. |
clouds rolling in through the valley. |
lena in an epic pose. |
big rocks! |
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