
Monday, November 8, 2010

that is so epic.

for some reason, all of the sixth graders kept saying that about everything. i don't blame them because i find myself saying that a lot about this place, but it got a little annoying.

"that view is so epic!"
"the rock wall is epic!"
"that tree is sooooo epic!"
"this sandwich is epic!"

you get the picture. my field group this week was rough. i had one students with ADHD who had been taken off his medication for camp. why? to make my week difficult probably. needless to say, he stirred up a lot of crazy energy in all of the students and halfway through the week was one step from being sent home. not ideal. we had some good times though and i'm pretty sure the students had a good time. i did have a few students ask if they could switch into different field groups though. oops.

fall is really beautiful now. the leaves have turned from a golden yellow to a burnt orange. i've been taking a lot of short hikes around to enjoy the fall splendor. on saturday i did some trail work up on the seven oaks trail. it was a lot of fun! then on sunday afternoon i went contra dancing : ) i've missed that part of my life quite a bit. there's a big weekend festival in february that i'm hoping to go to! that would be a lot of fun.

in other life news, i'm leaning towards staying here another year and finding something cool to do over the summer. any suggestions?

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