
Sunday, October 24, 2010

i feel so popular.

especially when working with 6th graders. they always want to know more about you (are you married? why is your nose pierced? where are you from? how long have you worked here? where do you live?). students outside of my field or trail groups know my name. they pretty much think that the staff are the coolest people in the world (who would argue with that?).

i enjoyed a delightful week with my cabin group. they were a group of very energetic girls who were curious and enthusiastic about being at camp. we kept our cabin clean, no one got overly homesick and they even taught me a few dance moves while we were waiting for people to finish up at shower time (the shuffle and the spongebob).

a few of the administrative staff watched one of my night classes for an evaluation, and the feedback was really helpful. they basically said i'm doing really well and definitely have potential to be a great instructor. i also found out i passed my climbing certification, so i can teach climbing classes all by myself now. hooray!

the most exciting part of the week, though, might have been auditioning to be a line dancing instructor. i led one dance during a line dancing session, and on friday i found out that i was chosen to be one of the instructors! yay! this means i have the opportunity to make some extra money and wear crazy outfits for teaching.

it's been a relaxing weekend up in the mountains. there was a rather lively social gathering at the square house (our main gathering place) on friday night. on saturday, i went into town with a bunch of the gals to run errands. while thrifting, i found a flag patterned blouse, flag patterned visor and red-white-blue moon boots. i think i'm going to go as an american gladiator for halloween. should be epic!

in other news, i'm considering buying a rail pass for my winter break and taking the train around to visit friends and family. right now i'm thinking of training it from LA to chicago to see my brother and his family. then up to grand rapids (maybe a trip to ypsi if i can snag a ride...). then back across the country, possibly stopping in montana, idaho, seattle and then down to san fran and eventually back to the mountains. we'll see...

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