
Monday, September 27, 2010

welcome to sunshine.

i have been in california now for about 2 weeks. i finished up the whirlwind training last friday with a staff overnight out at a place called horse meadows. i was really happy to see a big field of grass. the hike out was pretty intense, but once we got there, we all hunkered down, climbed into our sleeping bags, shared brief versions of our life stories and fell asleep under the stars.

the weekend was spent getting all of my teaching materials ready. we teach courses in outdoor survival and native cultures and both involve using a bow drill for demonstration and experiential learning (aka the kids try it out). so...i spent a little bit of time on the small things we need for class and A LOT of time trying to become awesome at the bow drill. aside from my set making an awful screeching noise, it's not too bad.

my roommate dominates the bow drill. she made a fire yesterday even. it was very impressive.

there is so much more to say about this place, but i will save that for another entry. off to get myself ready for our first day with kids!

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