
Sunday, February 28, 2010

snow, snow and more snow.

it snowed every day this week...i think it's weather's way of making up for the snow we haven't had this winter.

adjusting back to the life of lesson planning and teaching...

taught 6th grade, 4th grade and 5th grade. the lessons were all okay. nothing spectacular...and i was trying to get over a nasty cough. not a bad day, but not amazing.

snow days! the days are running together in my memory, but each one involved A LOT of snow shoveling, a few snow games, and making animal tracking stamps. all in all, nature dumped about 3 feet of snow on us by wednesday night...and then rained on us all day thursday. our winter wonderland on wednesday quickly deteriorated to a slushy mess by thursday's end. it was a good night for boardgames and a good book.

it was still snowing, but the interns all broke out into different projects. i went with a group to notchview, a place with cross country ski and snowshoe trails. our main task was to pack down the trails with our snowshoeing and pick up any big branches so the trail groomer could come in. i got paid to snowshoe all day. the snow was gently falling all day. at one point on a trail appropriately called "elbowtucker" for how narrow it is, everything was white around me. i felt like i was in a cloud. i haven't experienced that feeling since when i was actually hiking in the cloud forest of ecuador.

when everyone finished with their day's projects, we all met to talk about Hawley Nature Camp, an event we host in april.

my day ended with finally being able to watch some of the olympics... : ) beautiful.

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